Blogging Awards: Liebster & Blogger Recognition

Happy Monday!!!!

Totally agree as I am chugging my first cup right now… It was a crazy weekend with judging and family time but I am finally catching up on some recent blogger awards from some amazing people. I have been nominated by the wonderful Steph for the Liebster Award!! I also was recently nominated by one of my blogger friends Hannah from LoubsandLips for the Blogger Recognition Award.  If you haven’t already checked out their blogs then you are missing out and need to do so, asap! Thank you so much the nomination and support!!!!

Liebster Award

If you haven’t heard of this award before, it’s passed on from bloggers within this amazing blogging community and if you are nominated then you follow these rules and keep it going:

  1. Tag the person who nominated you and thank them.
  2. Answer the 11 questions you are given.
  3. Nominate 11 new bloggers and tag them.
  4. Give them 11 new questions to answer.
  5. Notify your nominees.

Here are the answers to the 11 questions I was asked:

What is your blog about and why did you choose that theme?

My blog broadly can be described as a lifestyle & fashion blog. I was always so skeptical of starting a blog because of the time to write and keep up with it and I also wasn’t an expert blogger. I didn’t know what I was doing and sometimes still don’t know what I am doing but I have just come to the point where I love to write and share my life stories that I went for it! It is a mixture of fashion, beauty, fitness and lifestyle posts. 

Dallas, Texas….  Why do I live here? I question that all the time. The summers here are scorching hott and dont blink because you will miss winter. But, there is so much southern hospitality and southern charm here in Texas that I cant just leave. This is home! I lived in the Ohio for  years and I am will never live up north again…. The cold is not for me!

What’s your favorite country to travel to?

Well…. I have actually never traveled anywhere outside the US except Mexico. Sooooo it would have to be Mexico lol 🙂

What’s your favorite beauty brand?

I have probably bought a single product from every beauty brand out there. I do not have the budget or bank account to support all high end brands as my regular makeup routine but if I had to pick a high end brand it would be all Tarte products. They make such amazing products that last over 3-4 months. You definitely get your money’s worth. As far as the affordable brand, I would totally choose all ELF products! Like…. all of them! 

What’s your favorite handbag?

I love me some Louis Vuitton but again, my bank account and my 4 year old son slightly take the luxury out of that. My Tory Burch Leather Camel would take the reigns. 

Which post was the most challenging to write?

I honestly have not had a difficult or challenging post yet. Trust me, there are some that I felt passionate to write and had some difficulty finding all of the right words to say but nothing that was super tough. My favorite post to date is probably 10 things I would tell my 18 year old self. There is so much I think about looking back on my college days that I wish I knew but at the same time I wouldnt have grown from it today. It is a must read for those close to you that are in high school 🙂

Who’re your favorite three bloggers?

Double Dose

Sequins and Things

Brighter Darling

What’s your favorite YouTube channel?

I never got into YouTube until I started watching makeup and hair tutorials. Being a dance teacher, I am constantly watching dance videos or competition videos so going from that to beauty videos was an adjustment but I cant stop. Favorites:

Melissa – Hilarious Beauty Channel

Nikki Tutorials – Beauty

Jaclyn Hill – Beauty Channel

Dancers Global

My questions are all focused on getting to know you guys better and I hope you enjoy them!!

  1. What would constitute a perfect day for you?
  2. What do you love most about blogging?
  3. For what in your life do you feel most grateful?
  4. What’s your favorite hobby?
  5. If you were to be on a desert island and could bring 3 things that were not a person, animal or used for survival/to get off the island what would you bring?
  6. What do you love most about blogging?
  7. Who are your favorite bloggers?
  8. If you could live in one place for the rest of your life, where would you live?
  9. If you could switch lives with someone who would it be?
  10. What is your favorite piece in your closet?
  11. What are you eating/drinking right now?

Blogs I nominate:

Blogger Recognition Award

1. Thank the person that nominated you & link to their blog.
2. Write a post to show your award. Attach the award to the post.
3. Give a brief story of how your blog got started.
4. Give a piece of advice or two to new bloggers
5. Select other blogs you want to give the award to.
6. Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide a link
to the award post you created. (You cannot nominate the person who has nominated

How my blog got started

I started a separate Instagram from my personal that I always posted outfits and beauty posts. I eventually wanted to get a blog going so I created one but waited about 2 months to launch it. I wanted to make sure I had time to write and post regularly rather than it sit and do nothing. I then created a weekly schedule of posts and corresponding  Instagram posts but to this day… I do not follow the schedule accurately lol. I kind of just write when I want and post when I want. That’s the beauty of the blogger world 🙂


Be yourself!!! I know this is constantly the advice I hear from other bloggers but it really is true. No matter how many followers you have the content is the reason for your blog. If you are new to the technology of blogging, you are not alone. It is scary trying to figure out what to do or what host to use. I am no expert on SEO nor do I have website expertise but I do know that WordPress and Blogger are good hosts to use for starting out. Get the basics and then just go. Sometimes being overwhelmed makes new bloggers latch onto another blogger and the way that other blogger does things. But if you’re a new blogger, embrace your newness, your fresh eyes and your don’t-quite-know-how-this-is-supposed-to-go perspective! It might just be that you’ve got an idea that nobody has thought of or tried, or were too afraid to pursue because it wasn’t the “right way” to blog. Just wing it… we all are 🙂

Blogs I nominate: No pressure, I would love to learn more about these wonderful ladies 🙂

Jamie @ PushupsPastaPinot

Allison @ How to get things done

Rachel @ This Italian Family

Thanks for the nominations and I please feel free to tag who you would love to hear from!

Brittany 🙂

7 thoughts on “Blogging Awards: Liebster & Blogger Recognition

  1. I’m so glad you did these! I love Tarte and elf too. I just got a new elf primer last night and I’m already in love with it. I would love to move to Dallas. I was only there for a short time, but I fell in love with the city. Maybe one day! I love all of the YouTubers you mentioned. I’m addicted to YouTube! I love your advice and I hope people take it to heart because it’s so true. Be yourself and just get started.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ah! You are so sweet to nominate me! Thank you, lady! I have so loved getting to know you this year! And this post was a fun peek into some of your favorites — love that! Also your advice to new bloggers was spot on! I totally agree!

    Liked by 1 person

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